Biological invasions are one of the main factors that threatens biodiversity and ecosystems services worldwide. The Biological Invasions Laboratory (LIB, by its initials in spanish, Laboratorio de Invasiones Biológicas) is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Forestry Science, University of Concepcion, and the Institute of Ecology and Diversity (IEB). LIB’s mission is to increase the knowledge of biological invasions, in order to reduce its impacts in the biodiversity and the ecosystems services, with an emphasis in natural areas in Chile.

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(Español) Se inician grabaciones de serie de televisión documental “Invasores”
(Español) Laboratorio de Invasiones Biológicas realiza workshop en Malalcahuello para abordar avances y desafíos en investigación
World Environment Day
This Friday, June 5th is the #DíaMundialDelAmbiente And this year's theme is biodiversity. In Chile, we have destroyed and degraded our ecosystems, we have encouraged the loss of habitats, the extraction of resources and the arrival of invasive species, without...
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Naturaleza Intrusa
Scientific divulgation iniciative about biological invasions, related to LIB.
Find out in detail about the different thematic that covers biodiversity, through our books and papers in which we have participated.
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Victoria 631,
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Universidad de Concepción – Chile
Phone: +56-41-2661132