Fact sheet of the 7 most harmful invaders
A study by the Faculty of Forestry Sciences at the University of Chile estimates the annual losses caused by these animals and plants, classified as "pests" because they affect agricultural crops, livestock and forestry activities, and also biodiversity, at $59...
Dr. Aníbal Pauchard will give a talk on observational ecology
"Ecología Observacional: nuevas oportunidades y desafíos" es el nombre de la charla que dictará en la Universidad de La Frontera, el investigador de la Universidad de Concepción, Dr. Aníbal Pauchard. La actividad será efectuada el jueves 22 de...
Chile is one of the places most affected by the proliferation of weeds and invasive plants
Of the 120 most abundant plant species, at least 34% are non-native. Although Chile is surrounded on all sides by geographical barriers, they have not been an impediment to the establishment of a series of foreign plants in our territory since the arrival of the...
Planting of native species will begin to restore the Boca Maule wetland
With its 55 hectares, the Boca Maule Wetland in Coronel is one of the most important natural ecosystems in Biobío. In order to prevent this space - which aspires to be a Nature Sanctuary - from being affected by pollution resulting from the industrial processes of...
6th MIREN Meeting, Pucón
Esta red internacional de colaboración científica, fundada en 2005, incluye a 11 regiones y 38 científicos, a través de un enfoque observacional y experimental de la ecología. De esta forma han publicado diversos artículos en revistas científicas...
First Joint Meeting of Botany, Ecology and Evolution
SESION DE PANELES I Cambios en la biomasa vegetal y combustible superfi cial asociado a la invasión de Pinus contorta en la Reserva Nacional Malalcahuello. Cóbar AJ*, García RA, Pauchard A, Peña E Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad de Concepción,...
Lanzamiento oficial del libro Observation and Ecology
El evento se realizó en la 97ᵅ Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Ecología de Estados Unidos ESA, realizada en Portland, Oregon entre el 05 y 10 de Agosto del 2012.
LIB y CONAF se reunen para acordar trabajos colaborativos
El día 25 de Enero del 2012 en la facultad de Ciencias Forestales - Universidad de Concepción se realizó una reunión de trabajo entre el Laboratorio de Invasiones Biológicas y Miguel Díaz Médico Veterinario del Departamento de Conservación de la Diversidad...
Visit by Dr. Ann Milbau, plant ecologist and member of MIREN
The specialist gave a talk called "The role of biotic and abiotic stress for invasibility in subarctic ecosystems" on January 23, 2012 in the Videoconference room of the Faculty of Forest Sciences of the University of Concepción. The aim of the talk was to...